Something That I hear often is how Ship life isn’t real life. From just about every country, area of work, rank, first contract or tenth. This is something that everyone believes. Ship life isn’t the real world.
I can’t say I disagree. I can’t say I believe it either.
Whoever you meet on board here is a chance they think about you. Whoever you get involved with friendship, fling, or relationship there is a chance that there are some true feelings there.
Yes, we are isolated. Yes we don’t pay hefty bills. We get to see the world. We also have to work hard. Most of us- Musicians have it easy. Lol. But there is always this thing were it stands that the only reality there is- is what the person has back home.
***Maybe someone can give me an opinion on this one. I’m not really sure about this. I wanna know what people think. This isn’t a thing were ph I don’t live on a ship so I don’t know. But I know most people are familiar with the whole real world thing people give you all your life. Like ya know through high school, and college. ***
I mean there are moments where I kinda of fall into this state of disbelief where I can not believe that I’m doing this. I cant believe I get paid to edit and film happy people and see amazing things….AND THAN THEY BUY MY WORK!!! All of that is like this is unreal. That’s a more positive view I guess. Videographers really have a good gig though not everyone on the ship does.
When you ask people why they do this job its usually to see the world. That’s my answer. Added to that is the whole I get to film and edit it!
There is a distrust that goes along with ship life. YOU DON’T TRUST ANYONE. Everyone thinks someone always just wants to get laid. Which happens. Me personally I look for friends, I like being friends. Once I notice they have a thing for me its like man why do you have to mess this up.?!We were doing good as friends. Lol. Than I have to avoid that person a bit ya know.
This is real though! Life is happening, people are still people. They still feel they still have opinions. It may not be the life you want…which doesn’t make sense because doing what I don’t want is never an option for me. Not everyone is like that. I know that for sure.
Does real life get associated with misery, struggle, and hardship? Is Ship life too easy to be real life?