This tour was awesome. I really enjoyed it because it had a lot of intense history. We went to this church that had been moved three times to avoid the lava flow of Kilauea Volcano. It has been flowing for over 26 years. It doesn’t stop. The Lava destroyed this town called Kalapana in 1990. I really liked the church. I don’t know why. Good vibe.
We went to Kalapana beach. Where this beach that was previously lined with tons of coconut trees was now covered with lava rock. they are slowing replanting them. It had an awesome black sand beach. It was really cool looking.
We went to this Macadamian Nut farm. Sweet Jesus White Chocolate covered Macadamian Nuts are SOOOOOOOOO good. Lol. It was a really good lunch. I had Hawaiian Coleslaw. I never have liked that stuff, but it was super good. Ribs and Chicken too. It had this guava-glazed stuff on it. It was home cooked. Super num nums!! Lol
Than we went to Lava Tree park, where we stopped for about ten minutes, and Amber got eaten alive by bugs. Lol.
Than we went to a lagoon I’d been to before.
Stephan liked my edit. I did a mini interview. It was a good day. Besides the whole one dude screaming over in pain….I really hope it wasn’t the dude that got everyone sick.
Great photos!