Since my last senior left, and this senior couldn’t off the ship until he does immigration (a very lame process if you read that post) I was stuck doing the snorkeling this cruise. ☹
I know what people are thinking…Why is she frowning, snorkeling is cool? Yeah I agree it is. I do enjoy it.
Its just …lame. Lol so much camera equipment is needed. And that isn’t what bothers me.
With this specific tour it involves this really long ride to this crater. I don’t do well on small boats whatsoever. I get really bad sea sickness. The sea was really rough as well on the day I went.
Plus I’m just not as skilled at underwater shooting like Stephen was when he was here. So I don’t like how I know people will compare our work. Stephen did it every two weeks. It’s his passion for sure. Me, I like the hiking, adventure, and historic tours. Snorkeling… it’s okay but it’s not at the top of my list.
This tour started off great. Nice day!! As you can see in the pics. There was a long ride to the crater where we stop to snorkel. Saw some whales on the way there. I took this opportunity to take pics of whales this time around, cause as much whale watching I’ve had to do while taking video I never took stills. I only took a few. Not so good, but what can ya do. Lol
The snorkel spot, was okay. I liked snorkeling in Kaua’I better though. Stephen said Maui snorkeling was way better. Needless to say I didn’t think it was.
I guess this affects my opinion…the sea was so rough people only went snorkeling for about a half hour. All time was spent on the boat. We were supposed to stop at another place to see turtles. Well we didn’t. ☹ boo. I bet had I saw them turtles I would be like holy shit this was the best tour ever. But… that’s not what happened. Lol
So we head back, and I swear I was seriously in body shut down mode. When I get sea sick, my body just shuts down, and wants to pass out. But I put my ipod on and just used my camera as a head prop and my sea sickness went away. ☺ so, than I enjoyed the rest of the boat ride back to the harbor.
We got back into Lahaina at 2pm, and I got my haircut. Which always makes me happy. ☺ But than I had to get the tender back to the ship and on the tender I saw this massive rainbow. There is always one over Maui, there are very few cruises where there isn’t somewhat of a rainbow over Maui. This one though was like really thick! It was huge. Amazing.
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