My senior did this tour a while ago. She mentioned how great it was. It involved animals. Usually anything that involves animals we do because passengers love it, and when its shown on TV we usually sell more.
>Now, we docked in Skagway… which meant we had to make our way to Haines. I don’t really like Skagway…but the port has the best tours. Going into town is weird though. Lol.
With the Skagway Dock its like forever long!! It takes more than a few minutes to get from the Ship to where you meet up for your tour. I do like it though cause there is a ton of room. Some docks are so small and cramped.
After meeting up with the guide, we had to take a 45-minute ferry. While on the ferry I’m thinking to myself “what’s the big deal about this place?” It’s a wildlife park. Now, if I have to go see wildlife in a park, I don’t consider it wild. I don’t know something about the “park” aspect of it. I was like “This is gonna be lame.”
I didn’t shoot anything on the ferry. I don’t know why I decided not to. We got to Haines finally, and I was like yay…finally. WRONG. We than hopped on a bus to get to the place, which took 45 minutes! I’m thinking Its 1 ½ hours to get to this place… which I have to do on the way back. 3 hours in transit didn’t make me a happy camper. At this point I’m already at the cranky stage. It took me awhile to wake up that morning. But the Bus driver started talking about Haines, and I took in the scenery and I woke up quickly. I Became very alert. I started to forget about time. I forgot about how long of a day I would have. I just enjoyed. I again did not shoot anything on the bus ride.
The decision to not shoot anything was a funny thing with me. I started to argue with myself in my head because... the 45-minute ferry, and 45-minute bus ride was all part of the journey. It was part of what the passengers experienced. The transportation wasn’t bad, because you took in nature, and knowledge about where you were visiting. All the time I was kinda unsure what to do. I didn’t shoot, because the edit was going to be about the wildlife center … and that’s it. I hated this thought. It was weird for me not to shoot while in transit. I usually do.

He tells us how he got there doing what he does. He used to play and take care of animals since he was a small boy. His parents use to rescue orphaned animals, and he’s been doing it ever since. As he spoke I grew to really like him, and feel his passion for what he does. It got me excited for what I was gonna see.

I got to see moose. Which I was excited about even though it wasn’t exactly in a wild setting. In Haines though you do see them often. Allegedly. Lol. That’s what the bus driver, and a few others told us. In the summer though it’s too hot so they don’t go in the sunlight so, they are hard to spot. I realized while reviewing my photos…I didn’t even take a picture of the moose. ☹ Sometimes I get so into my video that I forget stills. ☹ I did get good video though.

…yes the whole Santa Clause thing. Lol Mario said he met the elder of the tribe and the guy had the white beard, heavy set, you’d swear he was about to play Santa. Lol These guy knew how to tell a story. It was awesome.

Our tour ended with the wolverine. Very cool. There isn’t much known about the Wolverine, except they do these super things. Like travel such long distances in such a short period of time. People studied them for years, and still know very little. The female can mate, get her egg fertilized, than can decide when she wants to release the egg to be implanted and than begin to grow! Crazy. Sometimes I guess they wait up to 3 years. They don’t know what the determining factor is when the female decides to have her spawn grow. I was blown away by all of this.
You could really tell how much they loved nature and animals. I got such a good, strong sense of their passion. Mario is a professor of ecology, but both of them are filmmakers and make films that are awareness of what we are doing to animals, nature, and our world.
Steve while he had a baby Martin in his hand (I got a nice close up of it-that I couldn’t use in the edit cause it didn’t fit anywhere) he asked me how I was and why I was shooting. I told him I worked for princess, and he asked me “Do you think by showing this video will it help people think about the wilderness, and taking care of it?” I said “of course”, but who knows. I would hope so, but I don’t know. I felt like if I said what I really thought than I probably would have broken his heart. I hope my edit for people who watch it see it more than just cute animals.
Before we boarded the bus they had a reindeer there. I touch it! I usually don’t touch animals. But on this tour I did. I touched the wolverine, and the reindeer. I don’t know if ever I’ll get to touch a wolverine. Lol. I touched the velvet of the Reindeer. Sooooo soft. They say its good luck to touch it. Maybe. I have another blog for that. Lol
I was last on the bus, and Steve wished me luck on the edit. Which I think was awesome. He knows what this work is like. Hell I feel like calling them up and saying hey, can I be your apprentice. Lol.
On the bus ride back to dock to catch the ferry, I received free food! Which made me happy. It was a long day. One thing I thought was really awesome-the Bus driver was originally from Ohio. Her and her husband retired 5 years ago. They sold everything they owed. Told there kids and grandkids good-bye and moved to Haines, Alaska! I feel like that story holds a lot of weight to say how great Alaska is.
When I got back to the ship, I was so tired. Long day. But it took forever to edit the tour was two hours. Very dense. The visuals I got, the stories they told, all the audio of fact. It was a giant edit. At 130am I had enough. I feel like going over it and maybe checking it out again, small polish edit. I was tremendously thankful I did not shoot anything on the ferry and bus ride. Lol See, my gut instinct was talking to me. “Amber, trust me you wont need those shots” ☺
After it all, the long dock, the 90 minutes of a ferry, 90 minutes a bus ride, and the very long edit this tour was definitely worth it. ☺
Oh! There were a lot of mosquitoes. I only got one tiny bite. That lemon scented drip worked. Lol