Friday, June 24, 2011

The ship stuff –thus far.

I have to say that-- not really liking the team. I hate for that to be my first sentence to this post but…unfortunately that pretty much sums it up.

Ok….where to start. Well my manager I have is one of those….well the manager and asst. Manager I should say is a team where they do NOT like being asked questions AT ALL. They say to ask someone else. Don’t ask them. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think that’s the best policy. I don’t say anything even though I don’t agree. That’s the first thing. The next thing…I am so sick of being the fucking cheery, say hi to everyone, and being the happy one. I say hi, and try to get in with the group and they snub me, Except a small few. Maybe I am coming off weird. Who knows. I am goofy in general. I know most photogs in the gallery are miserable so I try and cheer them up. I am done trying to entertain these fuckers. Let them be miserable. There are a few I do get along with and actually have fun with.

Another thing that drives me up the fucking wall, is the Manager and Asst. manager wont say a damn word to you if they happen to pass you by. Strange. On my previous ships it was a crime not to say hi. Myself, and 2 photogs happen to pass our asst manager at lunch, and the bitch didn’t say a dam word to any of us, until Anton a photog said “enjoy.” All that she responded was a dull “Thanks.” That happens more than occasionally. One of the photogs here got panelized for not being “social enough with the team.” Why the hell would I be encouraged to be social with a team led by people like that?? It must be that the management is not expected to acknowledge their team. Last I checked its not the way it works. Again I bit my tongue, and say nothing about it.

You can def tell there is a clique-thing going on. What else is new… it’s shiplife.

To get to my senior… well the funny thing is she is the one junior I would have been in charge of had I taken the Diamond and replaced the Senior there my second contract. I didn’t because of visa issues. Well she is still a senior. In fact she’s my senior now. I’m sure you notice my annoyance. She joined ships right out of her “film school.” She’s not had any other experience besides ships. I have to say that her editing is sloppy, unattractive, and her camera work is lazy. I can not stand when she tells me about my editing, or camera work…because I see her stuff and I’m like seriously. I really try and hold it in, I vent to joe mostly. Lol I don’t say anything. Again, the biting the tongue thing. She can criticize my work all she wants because she’s the senior, but- how dare the junior say anything to the senior. That’s how it is on ships. I really had to bite my tongue when we had a conversation the other day and she said “ I really feel like my editing, and my work over all is getting better.” She said this after the glacier bay edit. I saw her glacier bay edit, and all I have to say is….Always put your best shots in. Please. Dirty windows….really!!?? oi.

I guess we learn as well go, and strive to improve. I know I wasn't as good as I am now. we all gotta start somewhere.

That is one thing I remember from the senior off the Caribbean I had for 2 cruises. “Always put your BEST shots in. If it’s not the best, don’t put it in the edit.” Simple thought ya know. But I think it dramatically changed my perspective on editing, and camera work.

On other notes, I still like interacting with passengers. I like doing the tours. My edits are better than what they use to be. I don’t shot a damn thing in Auto-ever. Audio is totally a comfortable thing, and we sell a crap-load of DVD’s. Oh! And I get to do the Morning Show every cruise. I like the TV gig now. Lol. I got my own cabin for awhile, and Joe is here. So besides crappy people and their BS it’s ok. ☺

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