It was evening whale watching, which meant I got a full on meal.
It was nice in Juneau. Which doesn’t always happen. The sun was starting to go down, it made for some nice scenic shots.
When I got on board there was a big table set up with food. I hadn’t eaten yet so I was happy. Lol. The whale watching was a bit different though. We went out, but than we kina just chilled in the same spot. When you go on the regular whale watching they travel a bit further down the channel…or fiord or whatever. Lol.
We didn’t see much. That nice scenery was about it. We saw some humpbacks that were “napping” apparently. It was hard to get in front, But than again I didn’t try that hard either. It was cold as hell out even though it was nice-“looking” out.
There was one cool thing that happened though. Everyone was looking off the port side of the boat, I was in the back, so, I was just chilling. No whale was coming up anytime soon. I was chilling near the back, I was looking toward the sunset, and I just happen to see a whale just poke its head out of the water. Not a sound was heard, but it was massive close to the boat. I pointed to show a passenger, but slow reaction- she missed it. I was amazed. That never happened to me. The naturalist was kinda … well not the best. Lol. She was nice and corporative, but not the best for good sound bites.
I did eat. My cool whale encounter, and the food was the highlight. Pretty sad. Lol They had blueberries. I noticed no one really liked the blueberries. What is wrong with these people!? I love em. We never get them on the ship…well at least they aren’t readily available to crew.
After I had my fair share of food, some more solitary whales not doing much. Than we made our way back. The sun was setting- very beautiful. On the other side of the sky the moon was rising. I liked all the colors. Oranges, greens, blue, purple. Just great.
It wasn’t a bad day in Juneau. The good thing about Alaska in the last days of the season-SALES! All the stores close pretty much when the ships aren’t there...which is all winter. So they try to get rid of as much as possible. So, if you are planning a cruise, the last few weeks of the season aren’t to bad to go. I got some last minutes gifts for my niece, and nephews, and small things for someone I might forget once I’m home. Lol. It happens.
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