Thursday, September 23, 2010

St. Andrews

Today I woke up mad early. I feel like getting up to workout is a good habit...I did think twice about sleeping another two hours tho. Lol I only workout in the morning on the days I know itd be hard to find time later in the day to do it. I guess I'm getting more discipline..??? Lol

I loved how when I came from breakfast after working out I saw Morne and he asked me where I was coming from. I hesitated cause I didn't know he worked out and I was distracted by my thought process. He laughed at me when I said I came from the mess. " Yeah right, walk of shame." Lol I laughed, cause I was standing there in my workout clothes. But hell that doesn't mean anything on ships. Lol

The tour started off slow only cause I was a bit tired still even after working out. There was a long bus ride out to St. Andrews. Yeah I had a bit of a nap. Lol

The town ... Well I thought at first what the big deal. But than I woke up. Lol there is this very clean, small town feeling. Very friendly vibe. There is a lot of space. Big sidewalks, streets, even space between houses is fairly large. Oh course you have the historic aspect of the town as well.

I have to say shooting this tour was very easy. They gave me full access to everything. Even the tour guide helped me out. He talked to the manager of the hotel we visited and had lunch at.

I mean the audio...the two ppl who were my main voice over spoke really well. I had enough time to get any shots I wanted they gave me full access to anything I wanted. I also got to walk around freely around the small little town. We got an hour of free time after the hotel portion.

The views were really moody, and so pleasing to the eye. The bay had such a glow to it. It was a cloudy day, but it worked well with the scenery. I think if it were a bright sunny day I would have looked at it as any other place. This was also the first place where the leaves are starting to turn too! I feel at home when I feel a colder breeze and I see the colors of fall!

The Fairmount inn. This hotel is massive! Been around a long time. The original caught fire, it was rebuilt in 1915....I think that's the right year. They had this cute friendly dog, retriever, that works there. Yes, WORKS there. Lol they have ghosts at this hotel as well. Many guest report sightings. The hotel has been on A&E for it. When the manager was telling the story I got chills. Stuff like that I love, but it always freaks me out. Lol.

It was a good tour! :-)

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