Monday, January 11, 2010

Mental status update

Well I am better after being in port for awhile. Seas days are rough cause you’re so isolated. And the photo staff drama makes me wanna beat the hell out of people. We actually got sat down today to be told basically stop acting like children. I’m like what the hell happened now. It’s pretty bad when other departments notice it. I take myself out of the loop to be honest. I want nothing to do with whatever they are doing. Lol. I’m sure they’ve noticed.

Steve and I had our weekly chat and it was good. I like how we just get everything out whatever is on our mind. It keeps us not hating each other. Lol. You can get a bit crazy being this close, and only working with one person.

One thing I brought up…The other night I cleaned the office out cause Stephen was procrastinating hard. So I did it. It was late. I work randomly. It was like 2am and Claire calls here. Now she is like Stephen’s good friend. But she is secretly in love with him. She gets super jealous when she sees him talking to other chicks. Anyway. She called here must have been 5 times in a hour looking for Stephen. Now Stephen has a pager. The only reason I don’t is cause a photog took one home cause their an idiot. Lol Now if he doesn’t answer his pager it usually means he’s busy, or sleeping. If he doesn’t get to you there is a reason. I wanted to be like stop stalking him. I wanted to be a bitch and be like listen if you paged him and he didn’t call you back obviously he doesn’t want to be bothered. Lol. Jesus. I;m not his answering service. It’s how its works though. If I’m not around, and someone needs me they bug Steve, and vice versa.

I have been just sick of the photo staff. I am convinced they don’t know how to approach me. That’s happens to me often. But since I am taking myself of out of the drama ring than I wouldn’t be that close with them anyway.

Honolulu was a good day for me. I needed to get out, get away from editing, and ship life. I saw Avatar. I loved it. I liked it a lot. I was impressed. Once I got back to shoot Island night I was in a way better mood than I have been in a few days.

I am behind on my edits. I have to edit three things. I stayed up late yesterday to get Island night edit out of the way. Country night threw me off. It was supposed to be on a day that I normally don’t have anything to do. It ended up being on a port day which doubled my work in one day. It just so happened this cruise I got to edit Island night in the rotation of thing. So last night I had four things to edit. I have country night and two tours to edit. I have another tour tomorrow. I will do two edits tonight. I might get all three done tonight. I don’t know. Tomorrow is an early day for me.

Port days make me happy. ☺
Doing good, but those seas days come quick!

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