Monday, December 7, 2009

Getting things in order

well there are some things I need to do to prepare for living on the cruise ship. 

Well first things first.... bills right. I guess. :-/
If you are settled in a place and HAVE to pay rent, utilities, mortgage car payments, insurance...this might not be the best job for you. 

you make a lot.....if you have no bills. While living on the ship you get free room and board. so there goes you rent, and there goes your food bill. You don't have to worry about that. You get free wifi(if you have your own lap top) so there goes your internet bill. Cell phones don't work when you're out on sea, and they wont work out at port if you are on just a free long distance plan. global plans I guess would work when in port...but thats a big if. plus those plans are uber expensive. So there goes another bill. 

I own a car...I make car payments, and have to pay insurance even when its being stored. you have to find a place for your car. I was planning on selling my car, but what will i use those 3 months when I'm living in LA? So, I decided "hey, keep paying on it", no miles are being put on it, my bf will check on it for me to make sure things are good. As for storing it: I got lucky, my roommate doesn't drive, and I got the single parking spot that each apartment gets. She is letting me keep it there for $50 a month. Which is awesome cause some places I'd end up paying more than 2 or 3 hundred a month in California!!! My car insurance plans gets knocked down to a small policy so that goes down as well. 

I have a cell phone, and canceling a plan with a contract is insane now since verizon is trying to keep customers from switching over to ATT for the iPhone. I pay $30 one time fee to suspend my phone 6 months. not bad. ATT charged me $30 a month when I lived in Australia. 

Those things just keep in mind if you ever do something like this. 

Its ideal for people looking to travel and save......that pretty much have a place to stay that they don't have to pay for. like a parents house. My parents wanted me to base myself out of thier house, but I haven't gotten out of Buffalo long enough yet. Luckily I don't have major ties to anything, like a lease or something. Before I moved to LA I sold all my stuff, and packed my car with what I needed, and drove to LA.  So I guess I was lucky... I dont know. 

All my stuff that I'm not taking with me is in my car in that small parking space...and thankfully its a secured space. :-)  

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